My views on bullying?

October 16, 2023

0 min read
  • Bullying
  • Cyberbullying
  • Wellbeing
  • Mental Health

My views on bullying?

9 times out of 10 people in room are not courageous enough

Ronny Rahman

Written By

Ronny Rahman

Ronny created this blog to showcase his skills in building a blog using modern technology. On a personal level, he wanted to share his thoughts about various aspects of life and talk about his perception of it.

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Man wiping his tears
Man wiping his tears

Even though this image does not directly mean bullying it symbolizes sadness and in some ways, bullying of any form displays mental sadness for the victim.

I know this feeling because I have been bullied in my life.

My experience with bullying

I have had my fair share of experiences with bullying in secondary school, which affected me a lot because mentally I would give up on fighting against it. It's something I would not want even my worst enemy because you feel really small and want the floor to suck you in.

Bullying from family

It's not just in school where bullying can happen. Sometimes it can be closer to home where you experience it. Maybe I was not strong enough to take it on board but honestly, I did feel like being picked on, because I was an easy target.

How to overcome bullying

Honestly short answer is you can't because it will be always out there, but you have control over how the bullying makes you feel.

If I was speaking in front of a crowd and talking about this, then my advice would be this:

9 out of 10 people in a room don't have the courage to say horrible things to you when you contront in big crowd. If they do then think of like they need help and you don't need to waste your energy or worry about anything they say.

Believe me, If I knew this it helps not to feel bad about yourself when you are picked on by anyone.


The reality is there is also identity-based bullying happening from our ancestor's days and honestly I don't see it ever going away unless there are strict laws being put in place and serious recuperations for doing these sickening crimes. Normally a person is targeted because of their religion, race, ethnicity, gender, disability, or even other personal attributes.

These are three sickening stereotypes:

  • If you saw a black kid down the road you would hope they don't grow up to be a thief.
  • If you saw an Indian kid down the road you would grow up to work in a call center.
  • If you saw a Muslim kid down the road you would hope they don't grow up to be a terrorist.

Regardless of how wrong they are, they exist, because of people's lack of education of not stereotyping people and not hurting people's feelings.

If I was talking about this in a big crowd I would ask why can't we take for example the three stereotypes and change them around with just a bit of positive thinking.

Looking at history there have been countless number of Black raised individuals who have excelled in their industries from Music, Comedy, Cinema, and Dancing. The same can be said about entrepreneurs there are so many who have the desire to be their own boss from an early age in India, which is why India has become one of the fastest-growing industries across the whole world. I know so many Muslim people who are part of the Teaching, Healthcare, and Civil Service industry.

Honestly, my opinion is there should be no stereotypes. Who are we as individuals to judge anyone by their identity and make assumptions? If someone chooses to go down any field then it's their choice and their choice it should not be assumed they have taken the decision because of their identity whether it is related to race or religion.


Unfortunately, due to the rise in the influence of social media having an impact on how people go about their daily lives cyberbullying has grown as well. The amount of hate people get on social media is unbelievable and I'm pretty sure it will upset anyone because the logic behind that hate you wouldn't be able to explain it.

I'm thinking of creating a YouTube channel showcasing videos and tutorials on magic tricks. Regardless of how big I can make the channel, I'm bound to get some hate online along the way but the thing is the quote I mentioned above will help me to not get affected by anything anyone says online about me.

Mental Health

Bullying can have devastating consequences on an individual's mental health, causing a decline in self-esteem, increased anxiety and depression, social isolation, and even long-term conditions like post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The constant negative feedback and harassment erode self-confidence, leading to emotional turmoil and impairing one's ability to function effectively in various aspects of life. The fear and stress associated with bullying can also have lasting effects, impacting an individual's overall well-being, making it crucial to address and prevent bullying for the sake of mental health and societal well-being.

Ronny Rahman

Written By

Ronny Rahman

Ronny created this blog to showcase his skills in building a blog using modern technology. On a personal level, he wanted to share his thoughts about various aspects of life and talk about his perception of it.

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